- RPG Maker MV Auto-Life. @help The formula is evaluated the same way the Damage formula is. The parameter 'a'. Using the specified.
- Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams.
- I want to make a damage formula that ensures every hit that lands does at least 1 HP damage, rather than no damage at all, but I can't seem to find a way to do that. Every change I've tried to make has resulted in EVERY attack only doing 1 damage, completely bypassing anything else in the formula.
- Doing this can cause party members or enemies to deal close to no damage or no damage. There is a better attack formula for this. Attack. (100/ (100+defense)). These are the damage results. 10 Defense: 181 damage.
I merely googled 'rpg maker mv how to damage yourself'. Please research what is available on console before trying to give advice. The damage formula on console are much different than on pc, meaning all of the advice you gave was not only incorrect, but added additional confusion for him.
- //
- //
- /*:
- * @plugindesc Allows one or more states to automatically revive a dead player.
- *
- * @desc If set, determines how much HP is granted upon the character's revival.
- * Otherwise, defaults to 20% of the character's MHP.
- *
- * @desc The animation which is used when a character is auto-revived.
- *
- * @help The formula is evaluated the same way the Damage formula is. The parameter 'a'
- * represents the Actor. When the character dies, if s/he has an Auto-Life
- * state active. The formula's result becomes the character's HP.
- * All states and buffs are lost, since the character technically did die.
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- * Defines this State as an auto-life state, using the specified formula to calculate
- *
- * Defines this state as an auto-life state and uses the specified animation ID
- *
- * If the auto-life state is used, all of the states in the comma-separated list are
- * added. Allows a character to get stronger after death, or be weaker when revived.
- (function(){
- WS_AutoLife ={};
- WS_AutoLife.Parameters= PluginManager.parameters('AutoLife');
- //
- //
- WS_AutoLife.Param.formula= WS_AutoLife.Parameters['Default Revive Formula'];
- WS_AutoLife.Param.animationID= parseInt(WS_AutoLife.Parameters['Revive Animation ID']);
- //
- //
- }
- //
- // Returns a state ID for the first auto-life found in the battler
- //
- Auto_Life.prototype.getAutoLifeState=function(battler){
- for(lifeIndex=0; lifeIndex<state_list.length; lifeIndex++){
- meta=current_state.meta;
- {
- }
- if(meta.autolife|| meta.autolife_formula|| meta.autolife_animation){
- }
- returnnull;
- //
- // Applies the given auto-life state to a battler. This:
- // 2. Removes all auto-life states
- // 3. Sets the HP to the result of the auto-life formula
- // This call assumes the battler's HP is set to 0.
- //
- Auto_Life.prototype.applyAutoLife=function(battler, state_obj){
- if(!meta ||(!meta.autolife
- &&!meta.autolife_formula&&!meta.autolife_animation)){
- }
- battler.clearBuffs();
- autolife_function=WS_AutoLife.Param.formula;
- if(meta.autolife_formula&& meta.autolife_formula!=')
- try
- var a=battler;
- }
- }
- hp_to_add=1;
- animation_id=WS_AutoLife.Param.animationID;
- animation_id=parseInt(state_obj.meta.autolife_animation);
- battler.startAnimation(animation_id,false,120);
- battler._hp=hp_to_add;
- state_list=state_obj.meta.autolife_add_states.split(',');
- for(state_index=0; state_index<state_list.length; state_index++){
- battler.addState(parseInt(state_list[state_index]));
- }
- //
- //
- //
- // See if the damage would make the battler Dead. If so,
- //
- this._autoLife=new Auto_Life();
- /* Auto life state will trigger here if there is one */
- if(state_id !null){
- return;
- WS_AL_GB_die.call(this, arguments);
- })();
- //
- //
This page lists all of the plugins I have written.
If you have any videos or tutorials that you would like me to add to any of these plugins, just send them to me and I will take a look.
Battle Enhancements
- Counter After Hit – changes counterattack to hit target before counterattacking
- Actor Battle Commands – provides a set of tools for managing your actors' battle commands
- Battle Command: Use Skill – allows you to create a command that executes skills directly
- Elemental Negation – negate the amount of damage/recovery you receive from elemental skills
- Battle Action Exp – gain Exp after every action in battle
Database Tools
Event Tools
- Large Choices – Combines multiple show choice commands into a single, large list.
- Conditional Choice Text – Allows you to dynamically set the text for each choice
in your events. - Disabled Choice Conditions – disable individual choices using your own conditions
- Hidden Choice Conditions – Allows you to hide choices with a simple event call
- Hidden Shop Goods – provides commands to hide specific shop goods
- Custom Page Conditions – Create your own page conditions
- Battle Weather – Allows you to display weather effects during battle
- Level Up Events – Fully customize what happens when an actor levels up using events
- Common Event Queue – Allows you to reserve and execute multiple common events correctly
- End Phase Triggers – execute more battle events before the victory or defeat sequences occur
- Pre-Title Events – create an event to create a pre-title/splash screen.
- Timer Pause – pause and resume the timer. Timer stays on screen when paused.
- Game Over Events – create your own game over scenes using events
- Sync Save Data – allows you to synchronize switches and variables between save files
- Save Title – allows you to set the name that is shown in the save/load screen for each file
- Self Variables – allows you to define your own variables for each event
- Follower Event Touch – trigger a touch event when the event touches the follower
- Event Trigger Labels – create events that can be triggered with different interactions
- Common Event Buttons – execute a common event by pressing buttons
- Change Battleback – allows you to change battlebacks during battle.
- Shop Manager – core functionality for managing shops
Audio and Video
- Easy Audio Looping – use a spreadsheet to create loop points for your music!
I merely googled 'rpg maker mv how to damage yourself'. Please research what is available on console before trying to give advice. The damage formula on console are much different than on pc, meaning all of the advice you gave was not only incorrect, but added additional confusion for him.
- //
- //
- /*:
- * @plugindesc Allows one or more states to automatically revive a dead player.
- *
- * @desc If set, determines how much HP is granted upon the character's revival.
- * Otherwise, defaults to 20% of the character's MHP.
- *
- * @desc The animation which is used when a character is auto-revived.
- *
- * @help The formula is evaluated the same way the Damage formula is. The parameter 'a'
- * represents the Actor. When the character dies, if s/he has an Auto-Life
- * state active. The formula's result becomes the character's HP.
- * All states and buffs are lost, since the character technically did die.
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- * Defines this State as an auto-life state, using the specified formula to calculate
- *
- * Defines this state as an auto-life state and uses the specified animation ID
- *
- * If the auto-life state is used, all of the states in the comma-separated list are
- * added. Allows a character to get stronger after death, or be weaker when revived.
- (function(){
- WS_AutoLife ={};
- WS_AutoLife.Parameters= PluginManager.parameters('AutoLife');
- //
- //
- WS_AutoLife.Param.formula= WS_AutoLife.Parameters['Default Revive Formula'];
- WS_AutoLife.Param.animationID= parseInt(WS_AutoLife.Parameters['Revive Animation ID']);
- //
- //
- }
- //
- // Returns a state ID for the first auto-life found in the battler
- //
- Auto_Life.prototype.getAutoLifeState=function(battler){
- for(lifeIndex=0; lifeIndex<state_list.length; lifeIndex++){
- meta=current_state.meta;
- {
- }
- if(meta.autolife|| meta.autolife_formula|| meta.autolife_animation){
- }
- returnnull;
- //
- // Applies the given auto-life state to a battler. This:
- // 2. Removes all auto-life states
- // 3. Sets the HP to the result of the auto-life formula
- // This call assumes the battler's HP is set to 0.
- //
- Auto_Life.prototype.applyAutoLife=function(battler, state_obj){
- if(!meta ||(!meta.autolife
- &&!meta.autolife_formula&&!meta.autolife_animation)){
- }
- battler.clearBuffs();
- autolife_function=WS_AutoLife.Param.formula;
- if(meta.autolife_formula&& meta.autolife_formula!=')
- try
- var a=battler;
- }
- }
- hp_to_add=1;
- animation_id=WS_AutoLife.Param.animationID;
- animation_id=parseInt(state_obj.meta.autolife_animation);
- battler.startAnimation(animation_id,false,120);
- battler._hp=hp_to_add;
- state_list=state_obj.meta.autolife_add_states.split(',');
- for(state_index=0; state_index<state_list.length; state_index++){
- battler.addState(parseInt(state_list[state_index]));
- }
- //
- //
- //
- // See if the damage would make the battler Dead. If so,
- //
- this._autoLife=new Auto_Life();
- /* Auto life state will trigger here if there is one */
- if(state_id !null){
- return;
- WS_AL_GB_die.call(this, arguments);
- })();
- //
- //
This page lists all of the plugins I have written.
If you have any videos or tutorials that you would like me to add to any of these plugins, just send them to me and I will take a look.
Battle Enhancements
- Counter After Hit – changes counterattack to hit target before counterattacking
- Actor Battle Commands – provides a set of tools for managing your actors' battle commands
- Battle Command: Use Skill – allows you to create a command that executes skills directly
- Elemental Negation – negate the amount of damage/recovery you receive from elemental skills
- Battle Action Exp – gain Exp after every action in battle
Database Tools
Event Tools
- Large Choices – Combines multiple show choice commands into a single, large list.
- Conditional Choice Text – Allows you to dynamically set the text for each choice
in your events. - Disabled Choice Conditions – disable individual choices using your own conditions
- Hidden Choice Conditions – Allows you to hide choices with a simple event call
- Hidden Shop Goods – provides commands to hide specific shop goods
- Custom Page Conditions – Create your own page conditions
- Battle Weather – Allows you to display weather effects during battle
- Level Up Events – Fully customize what happens when an actor levels up using events
- Common Event Queue – Allows you to reserve and execute multiple common events correctly
- End Phase Triggers – execute more battle events before the victory or defeat sequences occur
- Pre-Title Events – create an event to create a pre-title/splash screen.
- Timer Pause – pause and resume the timer. Timer stays on screen when paused.
- Game Over Events – create your own game over scenes using events
- Sync Save Data – allows you to synchronize switches and variables between save files
- Save Title – allows you to set the name that is shown in the save/load screen for each file
- Self Variables – allows you to define your own variables for each event
- Follower Event Touch – trigger a touch event when the event touches the follower
- Event Trigger Labels – create events that can be triggered with different interactions
- Common Event Buttons – execute a common event by pressing buttons
- Change Battleback – allows you to change battlebacks during battle.
- Shop Manager – core functionality for managing shops
Audio and Video
- Easy Audio Looping – use a spreadsheet to create loop points for your music!
Actors and Parties
- Inventory Core – core functionality for managing inventories
- Multiple Inventories – provides functionality for switching and merging inventories
- Custom Party Leader – custom actor as the leader. Doesn't have to be in the party
- Exp Tables – specify experience required per level using tables
- Battle Exp Distribution – changes the amount of EXP that the enemies reward
- Instance Actors – Manage custom actors during the game. These actors can be created during the game
- Parameter Tables – Allows you to use spreadsheet software to maintain parameters for classes
- Party Manager – Create and manage multiples parties in your game.
- Guest Followers – add actors to your party that don't participate in battle
Characters and Vehicles
- Custom Death States – Additional states that should be considered 'death' which
will be used to trigger battle defeat or game over. - Toggle-able States – create states that will be removed when you try to add them again
- Overriding States – create states that will remove other states when the state is added
- Progressive States – create states that will add other states when automatically removed
- Remove States on Action – remove states by number of actions performed
- State Countdown Popup – displays a countdown above battler's heads during battle
- State Change Animations – play an animation when a state is added or removed
- State Damage Modifiers – apply extra damage formulas when a state is active
Equipment Systems
- Equip Slots Core – customize equip slots for each actor individually!
- Weapon Damage – define custom weapon damage formulas that you can use in skills
Enemies and Troops
- Enemy Levels – add levels to your enemies
- Enemy Classes – manage your enemies' parameters using classes
- Enemy Equips – allows you to give your enemies equips.
- Sideview Actor Enemies – use side-view actors as enemy sprites
- More Enemy Drops – Allows you to add more drops to an enemy and use percentage
probabilities for drop chance. - Enemy Reinforcements – summon more enemies to battle, dynamically!
- Random Encounter Events – run a common event during a random encounter!
- HMS: Message Pause Cursor – change the pause cursor in your message window
- HMS: Choice Display Mode – customize the way choices are displayed
Scenes and Windows
- Menu Music – set your own music to play when the menu is opened.
- Placeholder Message Faces – set up message faces using placeholders that will be automatically replaced during the game
- Party Switching Scene – add a scene to switch party members
- Menu Command Manager – customize your party's menu commands
- Window Background Colors – customize the color of your windows
- Window Background Designer – replace your windows with custom images
Rpg Maker Mv Skill Formula
Skills, Items, and Actions
Rpg Maker Mv Damage Formula Plugin
- Double Cast State – create a state that will double the number of hits each skill makes
- Formula Effects – define your own custom effects using formulas right in the database!
- Effect Conditions – control whether an effect can be executed using formula conditions!